Product Search

We are happy to support you in your product search. You will find general information and help in selecting products in the “Products & Solutions” section. For a more detailed search, please use our web search.

At the moment you can find the following product groups in our portal web search:

  • Valves (e.g. directional valves, pressure valves, flow valves, mobile valves…)
  • Pumps (e.g. piston pumps, gear pumps…)
  • Hydraulic motors (e.g. gerolermotors…)
  • Cylinders (e.g. differential cylinders, telescopic cylinders…)

In the web search portal you can also find all the necessary documents and records, including:

  • Data sheets
  • CAD-STEP files
  • 3D PDFs
  • Manuals
  • Assembly instructions